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Benefits of Branding

Benefit 1: Brand identity commands a price-premium. Why is someone willing to pay thousands of dollars more for a Lexus than for a Toyota? They are virtually the same product with the exception of some additional options and accessories. “You can also buy exotic cars from Jaguar, Volvo, and Range Rover. And every one of them is made by Ford—and you shouldn’t be surprised to discover that they even share parts. The value proposition is wrapped around the brand. The Lexus, Jaguar, Volvo, and Range Rover brands are worth more in the minds of consumers regardless of whether the product actually functions better.

Benefit 2: A price premium creates a perception of quality. This follows the age-old axiom of “you get what you pay for.” If a Lexus costs more than a comparable product, it must be because the Lexus provides better quality. Right? Not necessarily. There is plenty of lower-cost, high-quality vehicles available, yet people still pay more for what they perceive to be a better or higher-quality brand. So the axiom lives on.

Benefit 3: Perceived quality has been shown to positively affect customer usage. Consumers tend to select brands they perceive to be quality brands. This also connects to repeat buying or brand loyalty. Consumers tend to continue buying brands that reward them with a good experience versus repeating the evaluation process time after time.

Benefit 4: According to Dr. Aaker’s research, perceived quality is the single-most-important contributor to a company’s return on investment (ROI), having more impact than market share, R&D, or marketing expenditures. Brand identity perceives quality that contributes to profitability, in part by enhancing prices and market share. Improve perceived quality and the organization’s ROI will improve.3

Benefit 5: Customers relate value with quality. This is closely connected to Benefit 2. If one brand is perceived to be of higher quality than another brand, customers tend to perceive that the higher-quality brand is a better value.

Benefit 6: Perceived quality can be a point of differentiation. Smart companies are continually looking for ways to differentiate their brand's identity from competing offers. Perceived quality can be used to differentiate, and in doing so, enable the company to loop back to Benefit 1 and charge a price premium for their strong brand.

  • Brand awareness
Your brand will become more recognized, memorable and front of mind for your target market, setting you apart from the competition.

Once you establish your brand you have a much stronger platform for growth through new products/markets and retailer distribution.

  • Brand loyalty
Creating a brand also helps to build engaging, long term relationships with your customers. In other words, if they feel you’re talking their language they’ll keep coming back for more!

  • Profit/Margins
Creating a strong, reputable brand helps you to command a better price in the market place. It also gives you healthier margins than private label/contract manufacturing. In fact, brands are also increasingly being accepted as assets that have a tangible financial value on your balance sheet. 

A good brand is an honest brand - you must always be able to stand over the authenticity of your claims and communicate a consistent message to your market and that’s why adopting a measure brand strategy is so important.

Brand Identity Design is the creation of the visual identity, “The Branding”, for a company and/or its clients. As Brand Identity Designers we create everything from logos and marketing collateral, to promotional materials, and even advertising campaigns that establish a recognizable corporate identity.

Pride - A professionally designed logo and Brand / Identity system will show that you are committed to presenting your company as a major contender in your market.

Visibility - Most prospective consumers/clients look for highly visible, well-defined businesses and the "look and feel" of your identity plays a major role in their decision-making process.

Credibility - Establishing credibility with a strong visual message in a professionally developed Brand / Identity system, used throughout all of your business and marketing communications, will keep you a step ahead of your competition.

Appearance - A professionally developed Brand / Identity system positions your company to work with larger organizations and increases your margins by allowing you to set premium rates for your products and/or services.

Retention - Most people remember what they see much better than what they hear or read.  Having a consistent visual identity throughout all of your business and marketing communications will keep you at the forefront of existing and potential clients’ minds when they have a need for your products and/or services.

Differentiation - When partnered with a strategic marketing program, a well-designed logo and a strong identity system will position your business far above the competition in your market.

Stability - Even if you are unable to claim that you’ve been in business for “over 30 years”, having a functional Brand / Identity system gives the impression that your business is dedicated to the industry you serve.

Support - When you present a well-rounded business package, your business goals and objectives are more clearly defined and this will improve your chances of getting venture capital or other forms of financial assistance.
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